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我们可以使用is 或者它的否定!is运算符检查一个对象在运行中是否符合所给出的类型:

if (obj is String) {

if (obj !is String) { // same as !(obj is String)
  print("Not a String")
else {



fun demo(x: Any) {
  if (x is String) {
    print(x.length) // x is automatically cast to String


  if (x !is String) return
  print(x.length) // x is automatically cast to String


  // x is automatically cast to string on the right-hand side of `||`
  if (x !is String || x.length == 0) return

  // x is automatically cast to string on the right-hand side of `&&`
  if (x is String && x.length > 0)
      print(x.length) // x is automatically cast to String

这些智能转换在 when-expressionswhile-loops 也一样:

when (x) {
  is Int -> print(x + 1)
  is String -> print(x.length + 1)
  is IntArray -> print(x.sum())

Note that smart casts do not work when the compiler cannot guarantee that the variable cannot change between the check and the usage. More specifically, smart casts are applicable according to the following rules:

  • val local variables - always;
  • val properties - if the property is private or internal or the check is performed in the same module where the property is declared. Smart casts aren’t applicable to open properties or properties that have custom getters;
  • var local variables - if the variable is not modified between the check and the usage and is not captured in a lambda that modifies it;
  • var properties - never (because the variable can be modified at any time by other code).


通常,如果转换是不可能的,转换运算符会抛出一个异常。于是,我们称之为不安全的。在Kotlin这种不安全的转换会出现在插入运算符as (see operator precedence):

val x: String = y as String


val x: String? = y as String?


为了避免异常的抛出,一个可以使用安全的转换运算符——as? ,它可以在失败时返回一个null

val x: String? = y as? String
